The Veritas ClaimStop! Accelerated Closure Solution is a consultative and systematic approach for the accelerated closure of legacy claims, providing immediate savings in reduced open reserves.
Our methodology is intuitive. We begin by sorting predictive data points available from most claim systems and scale each case by its “likelihood to close”. We employ disruptive tactics and strategy on all claims to break the status-quo churning and focus on closure. We engage all parties to the process: adjuster, legal counsel, medical providers, nurse, etc. We maintain an estimated closure date target and plan of action on all claims. Our fee structure incentivizes activity to mitigate every claim until the project’s conclusion.
The Veritas ClaimStop! Accelerated Closure Solution provides:
A Consultative and Systematic Approach
Oversight or full take-over roles
A mitigation focus on all cases, not just "low hanging fruit"
An intuitive methodology
Monthly or quarterly reporting to track progress and adjust outlook
Services that are customized to the unique needs of your organization and your book of claims
The option for our project team to provide full adjusting roles if required
Our Accelerated Closure solution will immediately save you hard dollars in reduced open reserves. The Veritas approach has a historic rate of 49.6% closure of project claims, with an average savings of $12,476 for every closed claim.
Veritas has a proven approach for the accelerated closure of legacy claims that supports maximum mitigation, if not closure, for all cases.